Our Winter camps are designed for kids age 6 to 9 to have fun and let the kids explore a wide variety of tech activities they would otherwise will not get to experience! Each day, each session, is a different activity. A different type of robot, theme, digital art tool or project. Students get non-screen breaks every 30 minutes to keep the day going. The instructor starts of each session by demonstrating the basics of robots/coding/tool before moving to sessions.
Morning sessions (9:00 am to 12:00 pm): Robotics: Our “Level 0” robotics engineers will have a blast learning computer science fundamental with these fun and engaging robots. They race their robots, explore the city landmarks on a mat and other fun game. We mostly use Blockly (Google’s product for junior coders) and Scratch like languages specific to robots. Some activities focus on will be on programming the robots and watch them in action. Other activities are geared towards the future “builders” of robots – kids who want to do mechanical, hands-on things that results in creation of physical things. Either way, each session is a different puzzle to solve. The focus of this session is to program, build and play with Robots. Early drop off by 8:30 AM is okay. No food is provided, so students must bring their own lunch/snacks as the require.
Afternoon sessions ( 12:30 PM to 2:30PM) : Digital Arts: In the digital arts hour, the idea is to explore a bunch of digital tools so that kids can find a few that they can use to express intrinsic artistic talents digitally and make it available to the world. For example, some applications range from simple color and trace to greeting card design, character creation for animations, animations itself, music creation, typography, pixel art etc..
Afterschool sessions (2:30 PM to 5:00 PM) : Robot Olympiad: Team activities: Focus is team work in a technology setting. They strive to achieve an end goal. Using robots, the kids will work in a series of Olympic themed trials for the chance to earn small rewards! With group-based activities like robot hockey and robot bowling they are sure to be entertained for the entire day. A fun oriented camp. No pre-requisites.